Pecos River DWS (Deep Water Solo)
[Edit]Very hot during summers... good thing your deep water soloing... Solid, overhanging limestone, into water that is approx 20' deep. You can do additional depth checks if you want... Very secluded, with the exception of the occasional border patrol guard. Don't worry, they are friendly, and will help you if you are in danger for whatever reason. The best routes are overhanging and are approx. 30 - 50' high. We climbed them in the rain, and the holds were still dry. From there, you can head further up river to find several new and untapped DWS routes. It did get windy at times on the river, which makes it challenging to keep the boat near your climber... The water was very deep, and that made it hard to anchor the boat.
5.10B/C **** DICKS BLOOD. Start off on a steep overhanging stalagtite. Work your way up a flake system with large holds on both sides. Transition to the left side of the flake, and it transitions into several lean back moves up to a half decent knee bar/resting spot. Immediately following the knee bar make a big reach to a large pocket with both hands. Work your feet high, and dyno up to the next juggy ledge. If your tall, you might be able to make it without your feet coming off, but still is a very long reach. From here you can either continue up, or traverse along the ledge to the left. The finish is once your feet are on top of the dyno hold. Extensions coming soon! 5.9** WHO'S YOUR DADDY LONG LEG? This route is a little tricky for a DWS route because it is not completely overhung, so make sure you push away from the wall if you happen to fall. The start and the finish are the hardest parts of this route. Work your way up a small crack along side an arete. Pull around to the left the arete to a sloper finish. Have fun topping out and jumping off the cliff. 5.11? project... Use a series of overhung two finger pockets to a overhanging ledge. 5.9***CAPTAIN DICK ends at a crimper. vertical/slighly overhung... work your way up sing large pockets in the wall. Finally getting to the crimper makes the route a 5.9. After that there lean left on the crimper and find whatever you can in the wall to bump up to a sloper. Unsure on the grade here... rock was wet... About 5.10? Unable to finish... deep overhung 4 four funger pockets, with your occasional sloper. The crux is towards the top by working 4 fingers into a sidepull. Then laugh high and right to a big juggy hold. Water is approx 15' deep. Very safe, very overhung.
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