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Peak Mountain 3

Williamstown/Brookfield Ice



Ainsworth State Park.

Three big slides on the town line between Williamstown and Brookfield on rte 14. Falling ice signs indicate that this is as roadside as it gets.

Two slides are in Brookfield on the west side of the road, one is in Williamstown on the east side. They are about 300 yards apart. If heading south on 14 you might miss the one on the east side because its tucked away.

From road to top-out, all three slides are about 350-400', but each slide has about 250' of NEI1 easy sidestepping and post holing to get to the base of the vertical ice. After the slog there is a large vertical section on each slide 75'+.

The two on west side of the road look steep, but I haven't been up there. I would guess they go at NEI3-4 up top.

The easterly slide is called the Commitment Slide, unless someone else has a name for it. It goes at NEI 3, but you can climb it at a 2 off to the sides. Its as steep as you make it.



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