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Peak Mountain 3

05. The Dark Passenger



I have been exploring the region between the Central Tongue and the Dark Side a bit and I turned up some pretty darn pleasant rock. Walking by on the trail you wouldn't know it but this section holds some perfect rock and as at least one route name implies, amazing views! Seeing as this areas sits sort of, on top of parts of the Dark Side I think the Dark Passenger seems an appropriate name. The Dark Passenger itself is the small wall that sits on the ledge with a couple of hard climbs on it.

Some of the routes start from a comfortable tree ledge. I will mark these routes with an (L). The easiest ledge access is to either climb, Say Nothing (5.5) to a convenient anchor on the right side of the ledge. From the anchor it's an easy step left to be comfortably off belay. Or there is a trail from the base of Say Nothing and Watching Me that skirts the cliff left and then up the gully to the upper routes.

Hiking that trail or rappelling down Say Nothing is the easiest way back to the ground.



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