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Peak Mountain 3

Charing Cross Hospital

FA Todd & Donette Swain, Matt & Kelly Jasinski 04-2009
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Climb up a left slanting finger crack about 15 feet to a horizontal. Move right along the horizontal about eight feet then climb up the steep, sculptured face above (crux) to the top.


Start about 20 feet around and right from

Dr. Mortimer, I Presume?

in an alcove behind a juniper. This alcove is on the N face of a free-standing pillar (Sherlock Spire) that is about 100 feet right of

R Baskerville Crack



Carry small to medium gear. Anchor rope on the summit of the pillar to do a short rappel from.

1000 km
500 mi