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Peak Mountain 3

Bridge of Sighs

FA David Hessler
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This route begins low on the right side of Flake 1. Feet are two inches of the ground. Right hand goes on a palmy side of the arete in a dark alcove. Left hand is in positive hold in an alcove. Left foot moves into a hidden hold down and left. Left hand moves to a one digit ledge a bit left of the alcove. Move up and left a bit with the right hand into a vertical slot/layback. Bring your feet up right onto a chockstone. Move the hands up and left a bit to horizontal edge/pinch. Move the feet up on ledges and then reach up and right with right hand to a small edge. This is a very claustrophobic spot with the main cliff right behind your head. Lunge up to an indistinct horizontal ( it's very dark at this point in the problem. almost like a cave). This is where the problem ends although there is no clear finishing point.


To the right of Grabbin a Dragon's Tail. Closer to the right end of Flake 1 than to the left end.



1000 km
1000 mi