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Peak Mountain 3

Dr. Mario

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Fun, powerful problem involving pinches, body tension and crimping. Start sitting with left hand on big sidepull and right on lowest pinch/sloper/crimp. Bump up with the right to a slope on the little arete and figure out how to use the obvious crimp in the face (hint: look for heel or knee bar trickery). Move to the jugs in the crack and top out.


On the tetris boulder in the East Forest - easily id'ed by the square tetris-y edges lining the face. 50 meters uphill from the stream boulder just off the motorcycle path and 150 meters northeast of the east parking lot.


2 pads - one for the stump your ass will hit on the sit and one for the gnarly block you really don't want to fall on topping out (and won't - they're jugs up there)

2000 km
1000 mi