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Peak Mountain 3

Papa Muntz Style

FA David Crane, Aug 2020
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


"Most importantly, don't fall... 'Cause we're doin' this Papa Muntz style: everyone, pants at half mast!"


Start standing on a 2 ft ledge with a good left crimp, bad right side-pull and high right foot. From the second undercling, high off the ground, press your face against the rock and blindly reach far and high-left to find a ledge or finger crack, then smear your foot to pull the final move to the top. Scary but easy top-out.

I found the top-out move from the top, I was too scared to blindly move off the undercling my first go so I backed down, went around to the top to scope it out and brush away the lichen.


Left side of the east face, above and left of the bush growing against the boulder.


A sleeping pad on the bush won't do much, but it might help you from being impaled if you fall. Maybe. It at least made me feel better!

Routes in Be Careful What You Wish For!