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Peak Mountain 3


FA Jayson Nissen
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This route shares the start with John Henry's Hammer then veers left. There are two cruxes between the third and fourth bolts and between the fourth and fifth bolts. Be mindful of the tree behind you if you take whippers. The finish is a little tricky but goes straight up. It looks possible to cut right and finish as for John Henry's Hammer but I don't think that would make the route any easier. Because I climb John Henry's Hammer just right of the final bolt I didn't use any of the same holds.The tree is particularly vulnerable to erosion. If enough people disrespect the tree by climbing on its roots, it will no longer provide the shade that lets us climb the route all year round.Yggdrasil is the rotting tree that binds the universe together.


Shares start with the first route you come to between the hanging tree and the mini pillar. 


6 bolts. Use either John Henry anchor or revenge anchor.

2000 km
1000 mi