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Peak Mountain 3


FA 03/2021
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The steepest thing at lookout? Always dry, even in full downpour.Boulder through the green rock moving left, easing on jugs to 4th or 5th bolt, then a decisive and reachy crimping crux through an extensively glued section. If industrial level glueing bothers you, just skip this wall.Entirely four-finger holds, mostly jugs or positive crimps, a rarity at lookout.. Glueins to here, ending at the rain anchor (6th) clipping at the hollow "crescent jug". There are two wide set bolts here, one gluein and one threaded anchor with a plated hanger.12c ish without a kneepad, .12a or b with.Open proj above. Go get it.


5 gluein bolts

1000 km
1000 mi