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Peak Mountain 3

despierta al dragón

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Low start at the base of the overhanging face with a good lower left hand undercling and higher right hand downpull (anywhere on/around the continuous edges with the protruding stone). A small left foot with right foot likely smearing. Higher starts are possible and less difficult.

Make your way to the point of the arete. When possible use the sidepull rail on the left side of the arete to gain less than vertical terrain. Commit to tiny feet. A jug awaits you in no-fall territory.


At least one large pad (mondo or bigger) for the topout. 2-3 additional pads recommended.

Routes in el dragón

  1. 1
    despierta al dragón
2000 km
1000 mi