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Peak Mountain 3

All’s Well That Sends Well

FA Lynn Sanson and Josh Gross
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


New route in Spring of 2019, bottom 20 feet is flaky and deserves your attention.  Consider stick clipping the 2nd bolt or clipping it after you climb To Boo or Not to Boo.  The bottom section is cleaning up nicely with more traffic.

Adds another 5.10 pitch in this zone.


This route sits between To Boo and The Taming of the Boo.  Funky and flaky climbing past the first 4 bolts gets you to more enjoyable movement.

Crux involves some traversing moves about 50’ up.


10 glue-in bolts plus a two-bolt anchor equipped with lowering carabiners.

1000 km
1000 mi