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Peak Mountain 3

Lone Piton

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Named for a random rusty piton found on the route. Gets a great view of the Worth the Effort.

Approach as for Cross-trainer, leave packs on the slab left of it. Scramble near the base of rock until past the buttress left of Green Thumb.

Pitch 1, 5.4, maybe a bit more for the last step up. Length unknown (we always scrambled it). Go past the buttress, then up a thorny gully (the same "thorny gully" as for Ring Leader. Step left onto a ledge and continue up and left on the slab. The easiest, and even somewhat protectable, way is to go up the middle. A large sloping ledge will take you left. Scramble (or climb, it's about 5.6) another 20 feet up to a comfortable the walkable bottom of the gully where Worth the Effort starts.

Pitch 2. (100ft) Go up a left-slanting chimney filled here and there with variously sized boulders. Your first pro will be fairly high and there are some loose chocks to watch out for. Stay in contact with the solid slab on the left all the way past the last of the boulders as the chimney narrows to an off-width. Once past the chocks, make sure to place protection for your second. Take the clean corner to a nook under the overhang.

Pitch 3. Make a piton-protected step left onto a ledge and follow it. The ledge will become intermittent, but the hands are good. So is the exposure. Clip and old bolt and start up on smaller holds. Continue left past bird poop (no active nest) into a right-facing corner and stay in it for the rest of the climb. Your destination is the sotol against the sky line. The last third of pitch 3 can be avoided by taking off left, but you will not want to pass it up.

In a windy weather you may want to split pitch 3 in two to assure good communication with your second for the traverse section.


Refer to the picture. The blue route goes up a seriously overgrown, unused gully. It's far cleaner to do the first pitch. The same goes for the approach to Worth the Effort.


Larger cams and nuts, too. There is a "lone piton" at the start of the third pitch.

2000 km
1000 mi