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Peak Mountain 3

Colonel Sanders Goes to the Pocket

FA First pitch: Javier Garcia, Manuel Rangel Second pitch: ben Albrecht, Carlos Villanueva
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The first pitch was climbed by a party, at that time the crux was filled with loose chock stones and piles of rocks. We cleaned them out and the new crack is quite a bit more difficult. P1:Start in chimney that slowly tapers and forces you out. A few crack moves lead you to a foot ledge. Rest up and decide how to tackle the overhanging offwidth! Pull the flare and up into the cave! 2 bolt anchor 60’ 5.10+P2: leave cave up the crack system past a tree trending left the base of a sweet hand crack! Take hand crack until you can’t and then head left to finish up on the last bit of zen plum! 2 bolt rap 90’ 5.8 


Head to zen plum, this is the chimney just right of ZP. A good way to get to these climbs is to hike to Stewart peak. Take only what you need and scramble along the crag towards Gibson ridge and past all the bolted lines. Find your way up to the top of the formation and on the northeast side you will find a 2 bolt rap. Rap into the zen plum gully and climb out and walk back to crag at Stewart peak. 


A 7 would protect the start but not needed. Doubles 1-3 singles .4-.75 and 4,5,6!

1000 km
500 mi