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Peak Mountain 3

Unnamed 6

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is a juggy and entertaining sport line ascending a small rib of of projecting golden angular blocks. Although the blocks are very positive, lets hope they are stuck on for the long term! Find the first bolt on a dark face about 10 feet up, then progress to a short yellow slab. Clip two quick bolts, then ascend the ladder of blocks. After the seventh bolt, you're at a small ledge with the bolted anchor up and left (somewhat awkward, but a nice pull).

There is a ~4-bolt variation (possibly an independent line?) ~5 feet to the left of the upper portion.


The first /lowest route on the 'Alpenkuhl' wall on the right side of Spire Gully. Hopefully the relative location and details above will get you oriented.


7 bolts

2000 km
1000 mi