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Peak Mountain 3

Apocalypse Now

FA Flyin' Brian McCray
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


A punchy start leads to sustained climbing up to a mini-roof where you'll encounter the definite crux. After sticking the crux, easier but fun and potentially tricky dihedral climbing takes you to the short slab finish. Kneebars available for those who care to use them. This climb is notably less bouldery and less manufactured than the other 13-'s, making it one of the best at the cliff.A large undercling on this climb broke on 3/27/21, and probably made this climb a bit harder although it was already considered solid in the grade.


Starts in the middle of the raised platform on the right side of the cave, on two opposing sidepull crimps at shoulder height.


7 bolts, all permadrawed. Stick clipping the 2nd bolt highly recommended.

2000 km
1000 mi