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Peak Mountain 3

Rainbow Ridge

FA Chip Salaun and Doug Allcock, 1980
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is a quick route for end-of-the-roader types. It probably gets very little traffic and starts in the shade. The description from guidebooks may be a bit hard to follow, but the route essentially travels the right side of this modest crag in 2-3 pitches. The description here may be a variation of the actual line, but it works.

P1. Ascend a slab with light protection opportunities. Perhaps 50-60 feet up, you have to choose to go up lichened slab or traverse right to the edge of the crag. We went right. One could stop here ~110' up or continue leftward gaining a nicely featured face with knobs somewhat reminiscent of the golden knob pitch on the Grand Teton's Upper Exum Ridge. ~230' up is a good flake below a stump.

P2. Angle right to the edge and into the sun. Continue up the edge on slightly gritty rock to a ledge ~220' up.

P3. Continue up the edge, pass an ET-reminiscent horn. The terrain soon flattens out passing a couple 4th Class descent options. However, you may continue upward to tag the top of the crag ~260' up. If you go this way, the descent is a walkoff.


This starts on the right side of the crag just right of a pine needle filled groove on a slab.


A light rack to a #3.5 Camalot, wires, and a few hexes work. We used a 70m rope, but that is not essential.

Routes in Rainbow Rock

  1. 1
    Rainbow Ridge
1000 km
1000 mi