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Peak Mountain 3

English Opening

FA George Hurley, Terry English, Donette & Todd Swain 04-2008
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start at the right (NW) corner of the formation at a prominent left slanting crack. Climb the crack up and left (V1) past an overlap (crux) to easier ground. Continue up along cracks to the steep, final headwall. Climb the final headwall using vertical cracks to the top.

Variation 1: Start 20 feet left and around the corner. Climb a right leaning dike/crack to join the route 15 feet up and just below the overlap (5.9).


Start at the right (NW; downhill) corner of the formation at a prominent left slanting crack.


Bring gear up to a #3 Camalot. Rappel with one rope.

3000 km
2000 mi