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Peak Mountain 3

Rigor Mortis

FA Paul Ross, Layne Potter May 2003
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Some interesting situations.Might be free climbable. On the first ascent three falls were taking caused by a few cams ripping out.The top crack is in good rock.The climb is located on the southern end of the Tombstone, about 300' left of The Gift. 3 minute walk from the parking area.Nice camping area.

P1. Climb a left facing groove/crack to a large ledge. Bolt belay 60' 5.7

P2. Enter the groove system via a short overhanging section with a very thin crack. Pass one bolt to more thin crack and follow this to a good ledge and a bolt belay. 85' C2

P3. On the right wall of the big corner follow the 1/2" to 1 1/2" crack with an occasional larger cam to the final 1 1/2" crack in the exposed headwall. 180' 5.9+ C2 Descent.If rapping the route looks awkward there are other raps down the routes to the north


Three sets of Friends up to 3 1/2", two 4s, two 5s. One leeper camhook, 1 set of Stoppers.

2000 km
1000 mi